Startups founded by entrepreneurs want to develop software and products quickly to get them to market and determine if their idea is in demand and viable. Therefore they need to work in an agile way and adapt quickly to development changes and market requirements. Many startups do not have experienced teams in place to cover all areas that are needed to get an application to launch, so Teams as a Service can provide a dedicated team with specialists that can drive product development alongside a founders vision. A strong effective team is essential to lay the foundations for a successful business.
The challenges faced by startups include:
Teams as a Service can tackle these challenges by taking the load off founders and small startup teams by deploying specifically selected team members, with the skills you need, in a short time period. The hiring trial-and-error process is eliminated by having access to a team that has worked together, meaning the collaboration, tools, and processes have already been used, multiple times within these teams.
With the Teams as a Service model quality teams can be brought in when necessary to take the work load from day one which means founders or CEO's can focus on other tasks like, events, securing funding, and selling their new product knowing that the development team has enough experience to lead the data platform design and delivery.
Having a dedicated team allows for accelerated processes, getting products to market fast, and keeping an eye on budgets by increasing or decreasing velocity as required. This also enables product roadmaps to be defined that will benefit funding applications when looking at future releases and feature potential for a new product.
At Anaeko we have a higher than usual concentration of senior people so we can assemble very experienced self-reliant teams to minimise risk, accelerate delivery, and yield quality results. Our data engineers specialise in User Centred Design and Rapid Prototyping, Data Platform Design and Delivery, and Data Analytics and Insights.
Read our latest use case looking at our engagement with Regtick; making compliance clear and simple with their management platform.
Anaeko have partnered with Octopus Deploy to provide Multi-Cloud and DevOps Services. Octopus automates complex deployments and seamlessly integrates with your DevOps tools. Anaeko are DevOps specialists, having delivered solutions to a range of sectors with various levels of scale.