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Challenges and Benefits of AI in Supply Chain and Logistics

21 Jun 2024 by Mike O'Boyle 4 minute read

Challenges in Supply Chain and Logistics

There are many challenges in the supply chain business, and depending on where you are in that supply chain, you each have your own set of challenges. However, there are primarily some top overriding ones: fuel and safety are right at the top of that list. For connected, but still different reasons, safety and the overall health of the workforce itself trumps absolutely everything.

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ARUP Selected as TechFest 2023 Winner

04 Dec 2023 by Emma Foster 2 minute read

ARUP were selected as TechFest winners for the ‘Best Use of Technology: Whole Life Performance’ Award for the project, ‘Unlocking the power of AI to achieve early blockage detection in sewer networks’ at the TechFest Awards 2023, powered by Construction News and New Civil Engineer.

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Sustainability through optimising user interactions within the transport domain

03 Aug 2023 by Emma Foster 7 minute read

Welcome Alan Kiernan from Cation Consulting

Alan Kiernan is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and co-founder of Cation Consulting, a Dublin-based global group of specialists in Cloud, conversational AI Bots, and voice. They have extensive experience in the telecoms, finance, insurance, tech, and travel industries. Their mission is to enhance user interactions through the combination of conversational AI, intelligent document processing and call centre intelligence, across multiple channels and languages.

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How transport companies are utilising technology to achieve net zero

11 May 2023 by Tim Bassett 3 minute read

Transport companies are increasingly using technology to reduce their carbon footprint and move closer to net-zero emissions. These advancements are critical in the fight against climate change and in meeting the goals set out in the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement, often referred to as the Paris Accords or the Paris Climate Accords, is an international treaty on climate change. Adopted in 2015, the agreement covers climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance.

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Why Data Discovery using Machine Learning has huge potential for Healthcare

18 Nov 2019 by Emma Foster 5 minute read

Healthcare systems generate huge amounts of data and this opens the opportunity for data discovery, artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide insight, synchronise data between silos, optimise innovation, enhance decision making and increase efficiency of research.

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How Prediction Machines can help UK Government offer Better Public Services

12 Jun 2019 by Emma Foster 5 minute read

"The current wave of advances in artificial intelligence doesn’t actually bring us intelligence but instead a critical component of intelligence:- prediction."

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The War on Plastic - Is Data the solution?

20 Mar 2019 by Anaeko 3 minute read


It's hard to miss the images of plastic waste in the media, with some of the statistics and pictures being both frightening and sickening. In 2015, the annual production of plastics increased to nearly 381 million tonnes, this is roughly equivalent to the mass of two-thirds of the world population. From a study conducted in 2010, it was estimated that 8 million tonnes of plastic entered the oceans with roughly 10,000 to 100,000s tonnes of plastic in surface waters (Our World in Data). 

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Overcoming Obstacles of Artificial Intelligence and Data In Healthcare

27 Feb 2019 by Anaeko 3 minute read

Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare

There are few (if any) industries that can be transformed by artificial intelligence to the degree that healthcare can. As initiatives around the world seek to digitise healthcare data, there are huge opportunities for game-changing tools and platforms. However, with potentially a yottabyte (1024 gigabytes) of healthcare data in the United States alone, we are no closer to this utopian, data-driven world of healthcare. Data in existence is not standardised, highly fragmented and is stored in incompatible legacy platforms. The technology exists, so why is healthcare so far behind other sectors in utilising existing technology and what needs to be done to catch up?

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How to use Big Data for Crime Prevention

30 Jan 2019 by Anaeko 2 minute read


Crime Prevention

Imagine the possibility of preventing a fatal offence. This happens more commonly than the public are aware of, all thanks to technology. One example of crime prevention- in 2015, a teenager in England was taken into care after it was revealed he had been researching gun types and nearby school locations to possibly carry out a school shooting. Authorities were able to intervene as the teenager had been flagged as a vulnerable threat. 

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Is the Government ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?

24 Jan 2019 by Anaeko 2 minute read

We are currently on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, and what an exciting time it is! The way we live, work and relate to one another is changing. The 4IR is characterised by a fusion of technologies that are blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. With this new era comes enormous potential for automation and development; enterprises are investing in it, but is the government?

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