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Avoid, Shift, Improve: Data Sharing Across Transport Operators

07 May 2024 by Emma Foster 6 minute read

Catch up on our recent webinar focused on sustainability within the transport sector. This is the third in a three part blog series that captures the discussions from the webinar.

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How to use Healthcare Analytics to Improve Patient Self-Management Care

16 Mar 2020 by Emma Foster 7 minute read

There has been growing momentum in self-management care and organisations supporting patients with long-term conditions to manage their own health. Patients can take an active role in maintaining their wellbeing and with wearable technology advancing data is becoming available to patients and healthcare service providers. 

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4 Benefits of Data Analytics in Healthcare

11 Mar 2020 by Emma Foster 5 minute read

Data analytics within healthcare has the potential to transform patient care and the health sector in many ways. The analysis of data can help gain insights and support decision-making by collecting data from a variety of areas like medical costs, clinical data, patient behaviour and pharmaceuticals. Because healthcare data is so complex and can be difficult to process there are some barriers but here are 4 benefits and a look at some examples of how data analytics is being used. 

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How to use Predictive Modelling in Public Healthcare for Better Outcomes

24 Feb 2020 by Emma Foster 3 minute read

The healthcare industry produces and gathers a huge amount of data and this data has the potential to be used in predictive analytics modelling to help improve and forecast the demand on healthcare services. There are many ways in which predictive analytics could be used. Some companies are looking at forecasting hospital readmissions and others looking at predicting specific patient illnesses before they become serious. 

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Who bears the responsibility when jobs are lost as a result of automation?

20 Feb 2019 by Anaeko 3 minute read


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How to use Big Data for Crime Prevention

30 Jan 2019 by Anaeko 2 minute read


Crime Prevention

Imagine the possibility of preventing a fatal offence. This happens more commonly than the public are aware of, all thanks to technology. One example of crime prevention- in 2015, a teenager in England was taken into care after it was revealed he had been researching gun types and nearby school locations to possibly carry out a school shooting. Authorities were able to intervene as the teenager had been flagged as a vulnerable threat. 

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Is the Government ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?

24 Jan 2019 by Anaeko 2 minute read

We are currently on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, and what an exciting time it is! The way we live, work and relate to one another is changing. The 4IR is characterised by a fusion of technologies that are blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. With this new era comes enormous potential for automation and development; enterprises are investing in it, but is the government?

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Analytics in AI: Prediction Machines in UK Gov

09 Jan 2019 by Anaeko 5 minute read


Working within the technology industry there are some buzzwords which come up over and over again, current one being 'Artificial Intelligence'. 

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3 ways predictive analytics could be the key player in UK government

12 Dec 2018 by Anaeko 3 minute read

Before Obama's election as President he promised many things to the citizens of America, one being that if elected, his government would;

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The Power of Analytics as a Service

27 Nov 2018 by Emma Foster 5 minute read

In the Digital Age, the Private sector is investing in some of the best analytic tools to gain deeper insights to make better decisions. When we fail to interpret the data, the consequences can be detrimental.

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